We encourage our players to play responsibly. We are committed in promoting responsible gaming through education, enforcement and assistance programs. Self-excluded or evicted persons are subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing by entering our premises.

Problem Gambling Warning Signs

The following behaviors (or combination of behaviors) may indicate that an individual has a gambling problem:

  • Extensive and/or frequent playing sessions, whether rated or not
  • Remains in the gaming area without playing or after their bankroll has been exhausted
  • Regular credit limit increase requests
  • Excessive credit card and/or cash machine use
  • Requests to borrow money from other guests and/or staff
  • Significant changes in betting pattern
  • Losing regard for health and/or hygiene
  • Our team members are trained to recognize the signs of problem gambling and will offer assistance where they see fit.

The confidential Problem Gambling Helpline is 1-877-770-STOP (1-877-770-7867).  They can provide you with information on where to get assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.